
The Importance of Legal Intake Software Separate From Case Management Software

Most case management software offers similar solutions. They can make your law firm paperless, they can help with efficiency, and they can establish workflows for you and your employees that will allow you to do more with less. However, those systems mainly focus on working on a case once you’ve acquired the case and do… Read More

06 Apr 2017 | Case Management, Intake, Legal Technology

Plaintiff Firms Are Missing the Boat on Text Messaging

We all use text messaging daily. For a lot of people, it is far and away the primary avenue of communication. Why then, do law firms shy away from communicating with potential clients via SMS? Before I get into why I believe firms should leverage text messaging, I want to share five statistics related to… Read More

06 Apr 2017 | Lawyer Marketing

Let Captorra Cure Your Fat Cat Syndrome

Fat Cat Syndrome: The state of mind one possesses when one becomes so successful, he/she disregards the inefficiencies and lost opportunities. I speak with plaintiff attorneys daily. Too often I hear “my intake has worked for 20 years” or “we have other areas in the firm we need to focus on instead”. Now, I’ll be… Read More

06 Apr 2017 | Lawyer Marketing

Law Firm Call Center Software

For a long time, law firms have relied on case and document management software to handle their intake needs. Those days are long gone as more and more calls are coming in and more potential clients are reaching out to firms in different ways. A potential client that contacts a firm through their website, chat… Read More

16 May 2016 | Legal Technology

12 Reasons You Need Captorra

A common question that we get is “why so many firms purchase and continue to use Captorra for their intake and lead conversion?” It is an easy and difficult question to answer at the same time.  Captorra really sets itself apart from other systems with its functionality, but at the same time, firms have different needs.  Captorra… Read More

14 Mar 2016 | Lawyer Marketing, Legal Technology

Convert More Leads with Captorra’s Lead Management

We find too often that one of the primary areas where firms struggle during the intake process is following up appropriately with new leads or potential clients. We call this lead management. The Captorra lead management system is designed to integrate many different types of leads directly into the system. Whether is be a web… Read More

17 Jan 2016 | Lead Management

Are You Losing Potential Clients?

Stop the Intake Breakage We use the term “breakage” to describe the possible cases that fall through the cracks due to an inadequate intake process. Cases can fall through the cracks during any phase of the intake process, but we, at least, like to see firms giving themselves a fighting chance and eliminate different steps… Read More

13 Dec 2015 | Lawyer Marketing

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